CIPP Quote CIPP Quote Form Customer Name(Required) First Last Customer Phone(Required)Customer Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Contact Name First Last Contact PhoneContact Email(Required) Project Name(Required)Project City(Required)How did you hear about us?(Required)FacebookGooglePast CustomerCityLinkedInMPT StaffOtherSection BreakLocations: Include street and cross streets (ex. On 1st St. from Main St. to Cedar St.)(Required)Manhole to Manhole Identification Numbers(Required)Pipe ID (Inside Diameter) in inches(Required)Pipe Footage (MH to MH length)(Required)How many lateral connections are in the pipe?(Required)What time of material is the pipe made of?(Required)Is the pipe used for sanitary or storm sewer? (If other, please include that information.)(Required)What is the depth of the pipe?(Required)What kind of traffic control is needed? (A. Are their highways or DOT ROW around the work area? B. Is the work within 50 ft of the center of any railroad?)(Required)If the pipe inside dimension is over 12 inches, what is the GPM or flow?(Required)Are the manholes buried?(Required) Yes No If yes, how deep?Who will bury them, MPT or City?(Required) CIty MPT Are the manholes at least 48" wide and 6" tall from invert up to cone section? (We need this for the insertion of equipment and personnel.)(Required)Are the manholes above grade? How high? (Please send photos of manholes above grade.)(Required)FileMax. file size: 10 MB.Are there any force mains near the area to be lined?(Required)Are there any of these known pipe issues?(Required) Is there any underground water infiltration? Is there any damaged or cracked pipes? Is there any corrosion and scale build-up? Other Are there any transitions to another size? If so, provide footage and ID size of transitions in pipe.Provide footage here.Max. file size: 10 MB.If there are any bends in pipe, what is the degree of the bend? (Ex. 45% at 35 feet)(Required)Are the bends:(Required) Vertical Horizontal Is there video of the inside of the pipe? (Please attach here)Max. file size: 10 MB.Is there access into the pipe at both ends? (We need access to both ends of the pipe vio manhole or culvert. If NO, explain the access issues.)(Required)Is this a pressure pipe?(Required) Yes No What is the PSI? Is the pressure consistent or variable?Are there any non-domestic sewage chemicals present? Please provide SDS of the applicable chemicals, and % of concentration so we can confirm the type of resin is appropriate.(Required)Are the temperatures higher than ambient? If so, what? (If temperatures are not consistent, please describe the temperatures exposed to below. If they vary, how often?)(Required)Please add any extra information you think we need to know about each line segment to better fine tune your quote.If the project prevailing wage?(Required) Yes No Please include the rate.Are there specific times that this work needs to be done during?(Required)Can the work be done on the weekends?(Required) Yes No Is UV or fiberglass required?(Required) Yes No NOTE: This is a much more expensive option but will reduce the thickness of the liner.Does this job have specs and plans? If so, please attach all applicable specs and plan sheets.Max. file size: 10 MB.Provide map or hand sketch of the system layout. If the pipe and manholes are not in the street, please tell us how far from the street the manhole is. If there are fences or other issues we will encounter getting to the manhole, please include those.Max. file size: 10 MB.Additional Comments